Boxing Training Benefits – Having Fun While Getting Buff

Boxing became a popular form of cardiovascular exercise a few years ago. Ever since then people have reaped the benefits of a the new fun way to get your cardio in. Taebo work out videos also became popular during this time, the videos opened up people’s eyes to boxing and kickboxing.

Starting a boxing program will improve your health and get you into great shape physically. With the training and repetitive motions in boxing you can be at your ideal fighting form and gain confidence as well. Cardio boxing uses sparring jabs, power punches, defense and foot work.

You will also work on punch and kick combinations for a more intensive workout. Sometimes these combinations are used on an imaginary person and some training classes have punching bags that you can work on.

Using the punching bag allows you to put more force into your workout, which helps you get stronger. You may also spar with someone that has padded hands that you punch, usually their hands move and you need coordination and speed to hit the padded hands. Cardio boxing burns 350 to 500 calories her hour and helps maintain you target heart rate of 75% to 85% of your maximum rate. This rate has been proven as the optimum range to keep your hear rate in during cardio exercise. The classes also help improve speed, strength flexibility and your reflexes.

Another added benefit of cardio boxing is the confidence and ability to defend your self if the need ever arises. Cardio boxing is also a good way to relieve stress and anger inside of you, once you have put in a good workout and released all these feelings you will feel better.
Just remember to start slowly and work your way up, you may want to choose a beginner class or get some training before starting in a intermediate class.

Boxing- How To Cut Weight For A Fight Using The Tabata Method

Finding the best wayto cutwieght for a fightis not straightforward.Whether that be for a MMA or Boxing fightor any martial arts fight, a clear-cutequation must be achieved; you need to use more energy than you consume. Simply aim to use more claories than you consume, principallythose stored as adipose tissue (fat) and you will cut weight fast. One way to boostthe burning of fat is by incorporating the Tabata system, although that wasnot always the technique of preference.

In the past the tendencywas to spend hours jogging or steady cycling on the exercise bike. This low intensity continuous exercise has the advantageof using a greater percentage of fat calories than the strong intensity equivalentand is one explanation why fighters mistakenlyconsideredplodding along over long periods of timewas the optimum way to make weight.

Despite this, sports science indicates that from top to bottom intensity training has a better fat burning capability than that of ‘plodding’ exercise. One study indicated that although a ‘plodding’group performed more trainingsessions, for longer durations and expended double the calories during the workout, the strong intensity comparisongroup had a 900% greater body fat loss! By the way, both low and from top to bottom intensity groups improved aerobic capacity by around 30%.

When cutting weight for a fight, strong intensity exerciseis undoubtedlythe method of choice, but the problem then becomes how, sepcifically to apply that knowledge. I believe the answer lies with Dr. Tabata. Sports scientist rather than Karate master, Tabata’s team devised a simple, yet adaptableand exceptionallysuccessfulstrong intensity exercise protocol.

This methodology involves a warm up followed by 8 sets of twenty seconds effort and 10 seconds rest. Crucially, the effort sectionshave to be maximal, and that does mean flat out, no cruising allowed!

The beauty of the Tabata process is it’s versatility; almost any exercise can be included in the protocol, you are literallyrestrictedonly by your imagination. For instance, you could perform a sprint workout on any piece of cardio equipment. Any kind of cardiovascular exercise will do but why not make it applicableto your competition? You have up to 8stations in the routine (some can be repeated, use your imagination and go at it full force.

For instance, why not utilisethe heavy bag, blasting away withkicks, punches, knees and elbows. You could usesingle shots or a combination, so long as the intensity is flat out it will work. Below is a potential example

Hook Punches
Right Round Kick
Clap Press-ups
Other Leg FrontKnee

A nice benefitof using the Tabata protocolis that the high intensity effort produces a strongstimulation to the muscels worked lesseningthe danger of muscle wastageduring the cutting period. Moreover, the Tabata system has been shown to hugelyimproveboth aerobic and anaerobic capability, your cardiovascular fitnesswill explode! Given the numerous rewardsof the Tabata System|, over steady stateexercise, clearly it can be a critical component of your making weight strategy when planning for a fight.

Are There Health Risks For Women Visiting The Boxing Gyms In London

years on from when women were first allowed to compete in the Olympic games, womens boxing made its debut at the 2012 Olympics. This was not without controversy, such as Lennox Lewiss opinion that it was a freak show. Womens boxing is continually a stormy issue dividing public opinion.

However, attitudes are clearly changing, and official support is also there, with almost 2million invested in the womens Olympic boxing squad. This may make the difference in bringing British womens boxing towards a similar level to nations who already have successful women boxers e.g. China and America.

Many women have been inspired by the recent achievements of women boxers and there are now many boxing gyms in London offering classes specifically aimed at women. For example, at Gloves Boxing Club in West Hempstead, and Miguel’s Boxing Gym in Herne Hill. Amateur boxing for women is dramatically on the rise. In fact, 40% of boxing gyms now run classes aimed at women, and 25% of people attending boxing clubs are women.

It seems incredibly that only a few years ago many women would have been turned away from boxing gyms. So is there really any basis to the concerns?

According to a neurosurgeon at Queen Mary University, the risks of injury are no greater for women than for men. The International Boxing Association went even further and concluded that women actually have less risk of suffering severe injuries and concussion than men. This is due to the more flexible and less muscular form of the female physique making women more able to absorb punches and deliver less damaging punches. There is however the risk of suffering breast injuries.

Supporters of womens boxing stress that there is a big difference between amateur boxing and professional boxing. Women learn to box in amateur boxing gyms and these are completely safe, uncompetitive environments where they can learn the skills of boxing while aiming to score points, not competing in knock outs. There are also other potentially dangerous sports which women are allowed to compete in e.g. fencing, and ice skating, which have the same risks of head injury as amateur boxing.

Additionally, amateur boxing gyms in London have safety measures which protect newer women from the risks of boxing. These include:
Unwritten rule that women do not punch in the chest
Protective headgear is worn
Larger gloves are worn
Fights last for 3 rounds, as opposed to the usual 10 in a professional fight.

Why Should You Buy Kids Boxing Gloves

Nowadays, kids are getting into fitness at a younger age than ever before and are joining various sports of their choice with excitement and energy. This means that you end up in the market to buy various sorts of sports equipments for your kids like punching bags, kids boxing gloves, jerseys, footballs etc. although there are many sports which kids happily play and participate in, but boxing has become one of the most popular sports for the kids, in the world. It is just because in boxing, kids learn a sport as well as a self defense art. It helps, you know, just in case some sort of self defense is needed. In order to help your kid in performing better at this sport, you should buy kids boxing gloves for your adorable kids. These gloves are very to standard adult boxing training equipment. However there are some important differences and some other points you should remember before buying these.

Of course, the boxing training equipment which is made specifically for a child will be smaller in size than standard sized equipment. This is important because a child should not use full size equipment which may be too big or heavy for them to use safely and accurately. Kids boxing gloves are basically the same as adult gloves, just scaled down to a smaller size. Sport equipment companies make these gloves as small as four ounces; however more typical sizes are six ounces and eight ounces.

Generally, these gloves are made of fabrics like Velcro or something similar and laces are not necessary unless the child is preparing to compete in amateur competitions. If your child is preparing for amateur competitions, you should buy boxing gloves which have a white patch over the fist. This white patch helps the judges in determining when a punch has landed cleanly or when it missed.

Now you will need to buy a punching bag for your child too. So you should again buy a scaled down version. A full size 80 lb or 100 lb bag is just too big and heavy, and if you opt for a hanging bag, a kid might not be able to reach it properly.

Therefore most people buy freestanding punching bags for their kids. These are easy to set up and can be adjusted to different heights, allowing you to keep the same equipment as your kid grows a bit. You should look for a bag which is about 40 lbs in weight. As you can see, buying kids boxing equipment shouldn’t be too difficult. A punching bag for kids will be very convenient if it is small, freestanding and adjustable. Kids boxing gloves are available in several different sizes and obviously padding and comfort are the most important factors. When you have a child who wants to pick up boxing, you have to do everything in your capacity to make sure that they stay safe and train properly.

Benefits of Boxing Training for Fitness

You may improve your health and have a physically fit body by getting into boxing training fitness programs. This is the best way for you to have a stronger body and gain confidence. Boxing workouts can help you to be at your best fighting form as well.

Many people see positive results from boxing trainings. You may build stronger and more defined arms and legs. These programs and classes also help you to gain a sense of inner strength and emotional balance.

Boxing training classes got across to the mainstream of physical fitness training a few years back. They have seen the benefits on the cardiovascular and toning of the muscles by these boxing training workouts. Tae bo work out videos also popularized these boxing and kickboxing exercises.

Cardio boxing training classes and the innovative variations of the sparring jabs, power punches, defense, and fitness has all blends of aerobics exercises. You will learn the proper execution of the punch and kick combinations for a more intensive workout that can help you become stronger and more confident.

The combinations you perform on the blocks, jabs, and kicks are executed to an imagined opponent. You may see classes where participants throw punches and kicks on the air. You will also find training camps that have quality equipment such as punching bags and you may also have the option of getting a partner that has padded hands.

You may also enjoy more benefits aside from the physical aspects of boxing trainings. Cardio kick boxing workouts allow you to burn out 350 to 500 calories in just an hour. It also helps maintaining the heart rate at 75 percent to 85 percent regular beat. This has been proven to be good and is the recommended range if you are exercising or into training.

Moreover, these boxing training classes improve your speed, resistance, and strength. Flexibility and the reflexes of the muscles are also enhanced. Repetitive motion on arms by sparring and jogging while you punch helps your arms and legs gain strength and power.

These workouts also enable your joint movements to build very efficient fitness results. These movements require you to develop balance and coordination that enables your body to be stable and maintain a good form.

These physical benefits you gain from boxing and kickboxing are just few of the many benefits that they can provide. You will be able to learn more about defense mechanism skills, which you may use in case of unwanted instances. You will also feel the satisfaction when you punch or kick. Relaxation and self-motivation is also developed.

You will feel a sigh of relief and feel that you are released from stressed. It also helps you to get rid of that anger that is inside of you. Once these things are releases, you may feel lightness into your body and peace of mind as well.

Many aerobic and fitness experts recommend boxing training lessons for beginners. It allows you to workout on your desired pace and body condition. Boxing classes let you to push yourself to the limit as long as you are safe and well conditioned.

Positive results await you with boxing training. You will enjoy a physically fit body and will keep you in better shape. You have the option working out and exercising at your preferred level and skill. Enjoy the fun of these boxing training programs.

To help you out and give you more ideas on what program to choose, go to where you can get tips and tool guides on achieving your desired health & fitness, weight, and treatment.