When it comes to boxing, although there are various important factors, one of the more important ones is to control your breathing. This is because with using proper breathing, you will benefit by increasing endurance and it will allow for those explosive moments. It also assists in calming your mind and with proper breathing, you will have the ability to overall, use your body more effectively. Here are some tips to keep in mind when it comes to boxing and breathing properly:
First, remember to breath! Often with more so beginners, we will tend to hold our breath which is not what we should be doing. Since breathing is just as important as our hand positioning, stance, and so on, breathing techniques cannot be forgotten.
Second, be sure to take advantage of your resting period. In between rounds, use that time to catch your breath. Breathe deeply up until the point it is time to jump back into the ring. This will help to fuel your tired muscles with oxygen. Inhale with your nasal passages and exhale using your mouth.
Third, practice! There are many different styles and techniques for breathing and you can actually recite them as your practicing with your heavy bag. As you would practice a punch or stance, include the practice of your breathing.
Forth, use exercise to help your breathing. There are exercises that can be done to help increase your lung capacity. For example, sprinting will help in the development of your cardiovascular system. You can even simply throw some air punches. Keep in mind that when you incorporate exercises to work your abdomen, this will encourage you to exhale with the movement. Use this to your advantage.
Fifth, make it a second nature. You don’t only need to work on your breathing when your practicing boxing or working out. You can get just as much out of practicing as you go throughout your everyday activities. Practice your nasal breathing all the time so that eventually it will be automatic. Breathe deep and breathe through your mouth to help you remain calm and composed.
While there is much more to breathing when it comes to boxing, these tips will certainly help. Just as it is work to achieve all your other skills, breathing is just as important of a skill. The truth is that the way you breath in boxing or any other fighting sport for that matter, can be the difference between loss and victory. If not done properly, your body will lack oxygen and therefore slow down your body. The last thing a boxer wants to be is slow!